
Live. Love. Laugh. Life changes. Enjoy it!

Living with fear
A delicate balance
5 Simple tactics for handling in-law overload
Water falls
It’s a beautiful thing
Good morning!

Living with fear

Fear is one of the most debilitating and defeating emotions that exist. And is never more present than when we try to create. We are all creative beings in some way, shape or form, be it in the kitchen or in the studio. And yet, that little four letter word can crush even the most practiced artist. Imagine the havoc it can wreak with a fledgling creative spirit. But fear is in all of us. In Big Magic, Elizabeth Gilbert (Eat. Pray. Love.) writes about, not overcoming fear, but living with Read More


You’ve survived Thanksgiving and now we’re heading into the home stretch of the holiday season. The kids will be around again only for a short time. It’s an emotional, stressful time for just about everybody. And there are probably enough different agendas that combined would sink a ship. Everything from Read More

A delicate balance

A beautiful short story by Alice McDermott, Gloria is rich with family joy and tragedy; an abundant reminder of the treasure that is our loved ones.

It’s a short, lovely read. Here’s a snippet to tempt you…

“Just then the grandchildren returned to the dining room, moving, as they did in those days, in a chattering scrum. They wanted their Read More

5 Simple tactics for handling in-law overload

You’ve had years to get used to her, but still there are the occasional comments that tie you into knots. Whether she lives around the corner or halfway around the world, few things are as challenging as your relationship with your mother-in-law. Hopefully you are not living the life of Debra Barone of Everybody Loves Raymond fame and maybe, instead, you’re one of the lucky ones with a perfectly delightful mother-in-law. Whatever the case, during the holidays we’re Read More

Water falls

Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket, save it for a rainy day.

I love that line. It makes rainy days sound special; something worth sharing a star with.

How do you feel? Do rainy days dampen your spirits or are you the pluviophile among us who finds joy, peace of mind and creativity on a rainy day? Sure there can be extremes Read More

It’s a beautiful thing

I don’t think beauty is universal. I do believe that beauty is everywhere and that we all perceive certain things as beautiful, but the magnificent object that takes your breath away is different from what leaves me in wonder. Read More

Good morning!

It happens every day. Every, single day we get up in the morning. And usually it looks something like this: alarm-hit snooze-alarm-shower-blow dry-coffee-let dog out-choose outfit-make up-let dog in-feed dog-find clothes-dress-make lunch-coffee-make toast-eat toast-pat hubby-kiss dog-commute-buy coffee-work. Right? Until Read More

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