

There comes a moment in a woman’s life when, shocking though it may be, there is no one and nothing clamoring for your attention.  The kids are all right – Joey’s driving himself to practice, Sue said she’d get a ride home with friends. The dishes are done, the dog is walked, and you actually have some time to yourself.

Perhaps your life is changing before your eyes. Is the nest already empty? Are littles running around calling for granny? Maybe you’re trying to rediscover yourself or even reinvent yourself.

Question for you — When was the last time you did something just for you? Without feeling guilty? Really!?! That long???

Well, welcome to rhubarb etc. Come in, pour yourself a glass of wine and get comfortable. Let’s talk, share some stories.

Tell us how your day went, we really want to hear.

Let’s keep in touch.

Caroline Harrison
I am Caroline Harrison. I write about little things and big things, all important things. My number one mission right now is to encourage overworked, underpaid and undervalued women, who are mothers, grandmothers, wives, dog walkers, parent looker-after-ers, community bake sale organizers, jack-of-all-trades housekeepers, and former ‘Mom Taxi’ drivers, that it’s okay to do things for yourself. With teenagers, testing their wings, getting ready to fly, or maybe already flown, you’ll find you have a bit of free time now and then, and under the kitchen sink does not need to be cleaned right this instant. You can sit down, have a cup of tea, read or just enjoy the quiet. Honest. No guilt required.

I created rhubarb etc. to give these wonderful women, like you, a beautiful place to spend some ‘me time’ on the internet, ’cause you know there’s a lot of ugly out there.  rhubarb etc. is a magazine, full of entertainment, encouragement, wit, the occasional nugget of wisdom and, hopefully, a smidge of empowerment.

Among my favorite words to live by is this quote by author, Jennifer Crusie. “Feel no guilt. Getting married and giving birth does not mean that you have sold your life away to perfectly healthy people who can get their own damn socks.”

I’m all for a gentle, guilt-free life, with a little adventure, a lot of humor and a great deal of joy.

My credentials? Nothing more than – Been there. Done that. Didn’t get a T-shirt but, the kid’s okay. We made a few mistakes along the way, but we survived, and we all get along just fine. Oh, and under my kitchen sink? Chaos, but no one seems any the worse for wear.

If you like rhubarb etc., you might also enjoy, Finding the Me in Time: The ABCs of finding a little me time in your day. It’s a charming little book, penned by me. A perfect gift just for you, or maybe a friend, too. And now, a companion book for those in the next wonderful phase, Finding the Strength in Me: The ABCs of living your next chapter. Both are available on Amazon.


Our Name, Your Story

Wild, Lush and Full of Life.

Our name rhubarb etc. symbolizes the essence of the vibrant, strong, and resilient women we celebrate. Like rhubarb, which is one of the first to spring to life in the garden—lush, wild, and almost impossible to wipe out—our audience is invincible, undefeatable, and always growing. rhubarb etc. reflects a community that’s close-knit, earthy, and thriving, full of life and potential. The “etc.” is the magic—the endless possibilities and layers that come with every woman’s unique journey.

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