Archive - November 2023

Little Things – An Unexpected Smile
Planning a winter getaway?
Silver lining
How to combat S.A.D. (Seasonal Angst and Distress)
Little Things – An Unexpected Smile
Planning a winter getaway?
Silver lining
How to combat S.A.D. (Seasonal Angst and Distress)

Little Things – An Unexpected Smile

The other day I pulled into a Home Depot parking lot to get off the road as I sat in on a teleconference. While I was concentrating on the call, a big muscle, pickup truck pulled in opposite me. Big wheels, souped-up, loud, extra rods and rails all around.

Out from behind the wheel came a big guy. Shaved head Read More

Planning a winter getaway?

It happens every year.  We know it’s coming. Well, us northern folk do anyway.  Yet, every year we seem surprised when it actually hits.  And right now it’s just days away… maybe several, but still only days.  Snow, snow and more snow.  Then of course there’s the shoveling.  Lots and lots of shoveling.  There are some gluttons among us who actually enjoy winter. The  warm, woolly socks types.  Scarves wrapped up to here and sweaters pulled down to there.  They tromp through the snow Read More

Silver lining

Charcoal, graphite, granite, smoke, slate, steel, silver, ash, pewter, salt and pepper, Chicago slush, winter sky. No matter what you call it, they’re all shades of grey. And all beautiful, too, (Well, maybe not Chicago slush.) in silk, wool, linen, paint colours and, even, hair. Yes, I am a huge fan of grey hair, in all its glorious shades. And yes, on women, too. Men can do it, why not us? Read More

How to combat S.A.D. (Seasonal Angst and Distress)

It usually hits us around mid-December. Call it the Christmas Crazies or Holiday Madness, whatever you like, but at its most basic it’s simply stress, with a capital S-T-R-E-S and S.

And then the day of — yowza! You know the scene: the turkey’s in the oven, presents are wrapped and under the tree, the fire is Read More

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