
There’s lots of stuff out there that deserves to be said “No” to – for example, almost anything that does not make you happy on some level or stresses you out is a definite no.  But if you think about it, do you sometimes say no when you don’t really have a good reason? Do make excuses because you’re feeling comfortable just where you are? Or maybe you’re busy?

We’re all busy. We all have to-do lists as long as our arm. Just make sure you’re not putting things on that list that don’t really need to be there. Does the linen closet really need cleaning? Do the dishes have to be done right now? Making time for things that make you happy needs to be a priority in your life.

Saying ”Yes” could mean enjoying a great new experience, meeting new people who could become friends or experiencing new opportunities. I’m not suggesting that you have to say yes when someone invites you to go skydiving or bungee jumping, unless, of course, you really want to. 😉 When you say yes to something new, your grow a little bit. You’ll have a new story to tell.

Think about all the wonderful things that might come your way that you could say yes to. You can say yes to travel or adventure, a movie on a weekday afternoon, a drive with the top down, a long chat on the phone with a friend or a walk in the sunshine. Say yes to change, trying something new or say yes to not checking work email on the weekend. Say yes to romance, ballroom dancing, an offer of help or an afternoon nap. Say yes to life and all the delights it has to offer.

Ready step out of your comfort zone? Here’s an idea – write down three things that you are not overjoyed about in your life right now. Then write down three things you’ve been wanting to do for ages. Figure out what you need to do to get the former out of your life and the latter in, and there you have it – your game plan for the next little while.  Pretty exciting, right?

You have to find a balance between no and yes. You have to be careful when you say no, that you are not saying no to yourself. Don’t you think it’s a pity to say no when you should be saying “Heck, yeah!”

Share  in the comments below – What’s your next adventure going to be? Did you say yes to something new recently? Tell us your story. We want to hear.

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  • Our next big adventure is moving to a new city. This past week we said Yes to a house in the new city before selling the one we have…giant step out of the ol’ comfort zone! The lead-up to that decision was fraught with tension and fear. Now that the yes has been stated, the possibilities and opportunities are opening at a great rate.

    • caroline

      The Real Person!

      Author caroline acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.


      Sounds scary but great attitude, Cathy! I bet you’ll be dancing all the way through those new adventures. <3

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