Water falls

Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket, save it for a rainy day.

I love that line. It makes rainy days sound special; something worth sharing a star with.

How do you feel? Do rainy days dampen your spirits or are you the pluviophile among us who finds joy, peace of mind and creativity on a rainy day? Sure there can be extremes and physiological impacts, but for the most part rain is more or less just an inconvenience. How much of an inconvenience? Well, that’s up to you to choose. You can be annoyed or frustrated and let the rain spoil your day. Or you can just accept it, it is what it is – just rain; make like a duck and get on with your day. Or You could make even more of it and gift yourself a “rain day” and make it a play day.

I actually marvel at the variations in rain. From grandiose, thrashing thunderstorms, with fantastical light shows, to barely there sun showers to the sudden, drenching, caught-with-your-sunroof-open, sky-just-opens-up-and-dumps a month’s worth of water in ten minutes, rain. And in the heat of the summer, that heady, earthy scent as the rain hits the dry ground – petrichor. Every season, different rains. Different sounds, sights, effects. Different attitudes.

And what about those devoted sportives? Golfers who play rain or shine. Or the rugby players who relish playing in the rain because, one, it makes it more challenging (holding onto to the wet, slippery ball and/or opponents) and, two, it makes the ground softer, offering some cushioning as they smash to the ground under a heap of hulking bodies. And kids? The delight kids get from stomping in puddles, seeing the waves they make and how far the splash can go. It’s all in the attitude.

Want to switch up your attitude? Prepare ahead. Stock up on some decent rain gear – rain boots, a trusty rain coat and a fabulous umbrella. Know your go-to, no fuss, no muss hairstyle, be it ponytail, messy bun or a baseball cap. Grab your gear and head outside. Catch a movie matinee, or go to a museum, a noisy café, or one of my favourites – an old school Asian restaurant in the heart of Chinatown and a steaming bowl noodle soup.

Rather stay in? Perfect. Watch some old movies, stream a favourite series on Netflix, play board games. Raid the pantry and bake a batch of cookies or make a hearty stew. Light a fire and curl up with a good book. What about that big, welcoming bed? Why not have a good lie-in or a nap in the middle of the afternoon? Sweet luxury. Oooh, how ‘bout a bubble bath?

It’s all good. However you end up spending your rainy day, enjoy it. You can’t stop the rain, so why not enjoy it? Put your Wellies on, grab that fabulous brolly and your inner child and go out and make a splash.

(If you have a hankering for a little extra rain in your life, check this out. Love it!)

Photo credit: Sabeel Ahammed via Pexels

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  • I enjoy rainy days as much as Elizabeth does. As you say, there are so many variations and flavours to rainy days – as their are to warm and sunny days. Probably one of the (many) advantages of living in Canada!

    At this time of year (October) the chilly wet days are almost like a permission slip to curl up on the sofa with a book or watch movies all afternoon with chips and freshly baked banana bread…the day having inspired the baking as well. Oh, and a pot of soup on the stove.

    Yesterday, it was that bizarre combination of autumn rain but unseasonably warm temperatures. It was the perfect day for yard work – putting the gardens to bed and planting next year’s garlic – between downpours.

  • Autumn is my favourite time of year; rain is my favourite weather. The sky is like a big blanket that I can curl into. Rain, the soothing sound that gives depth to my days.

    I shun the sun. I don’t like the heat, the uv rays that cause skin cancers, the intense brightness. I am all about shades of grey, softened sounds, pitter patter. The rain is intimate. It is a shield against the rest of the world. I go out on a rainy day, others are seen scattering across roads, and into doorways. I embrace the rain. Just me and Mother Nature.

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