Tag - Live.

What’s in your bucket?
Silver lining
Is your duck blue?
Be true to you
Suffering succotash!
Take a break… Really.
How’s your year going so far?
What’s in your bucket?
Silver lining
Is your duck blue?
Be true to you
Suffering succotash!
Take a break… Really.
How’s your year going so far?

What’s in your bucket?

It’s been years since Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman took us on a wild ride as they checked things off their bucket list, but it seems to be a really big thing to do these days. There are a myriad of sites and books with list of things to do before you die, often accompanied by fabulous photographs. Some definitely swoon-worthy.

Many people I know have them, too. They’re massive lists filled with exotic places they want to go and magnificent things Read More

Silver lining

Charcoal, graphite, granite, smoke, slate, steel, silver, ash, pewter, salt and pepper, Chicago slush, winter sky. No matter what you call it, they’re all shades of grey. And all beautiful, too, (Well, maybe not Chicago slush.) in silk, wool, linen, paint colors and, even, hair. Yes, I am a huge fan of grey hair, in all its glorious shades. And yes, on women, too. Men can do it, why not us? Read More

Is your duck blue?

It seems to be all the rage right now. Adult coloring books are hitting Amazon’s best sellers list. They’ve taken over tables in real world bookstores, Pinterest and Facebook, too. Some of them are pretty amazing, intricate and fantastically detailed, but what exactly has made coloring such a thing these days?

Well, the general consensus is that Read More

Be true to you

You need to be true to yourself. Find what it is that makes you come alive. Find what is rewarding and fulfilling for you. Reject others’ expectations and do what is authentically you.

Sometimes we forget that we each have our own unique needs, desires, and values. If you can find and live in ways that make you happy, you will be able to live your fullest life.  Your wonderful ‘me’ will shine through.

Suffering succotash!

Oh, how we humans love to complain. We’ll complain about work, neighbors, food, service, traffic, prices. You name it, we can complain about it. Oh, and the weather! And then we turn it up a notch in winter, don’t you think? And then we turn Read More

Take a break… Really.

Imagine yourself sitting at the end of the dock. The sun warming your back. The clear blue water lapping at your toes.

And then your cell phone chirps , beeps, vibrates at you. A text, email, instant chat comes through. Work strikes again.

Why are we so spectacularly bad at completely Read More

How’s your year going so far?

Some of us are not big on making New Year’s resolutions. I know I am not. It’s not that there aren’t things in my life that I want to change. There are plenty of them, believe me. It’s more that I feel so bad when I break them. And, I don’t know about you, but I can definitely do with less feeling bad.

So, you’ve had almost a week now to live with your resolutions. How’s it going so far? Good? Read More

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