Show yourself a little kindness
Be kind to yourself. Give yourself a compliment. Keep your world beautiful.
Make a list of all the niggling little things that you’ve been neglecting. Then do them or sort them, decide what needs to done about them, one at a time, so you can cross them off your list and feel better.
Don’t beat yourself up, talk down to yourself, or compare your weaknesses to others’ strengths. Be supportive of yourself.Be kinder to others, too. Let that driver into your lane. Hold the door open for the person behind you. It makes life for everybody involved just a little bit better. Smile.
Self-compassion is simply giving the same kindness to ourselves that we would give to others. — Christopher Germer
Being kind to yourself and others in everyday life will make you happier, raise your self-esteem, help you build more positive relationships, and make it easier to handle whatever life has in store for you.
Did you show yourself a little kindness today? What’s your favourite kind-hearted moment? Share some love in the comments below. I’m guessing we could all use a smile or two. 😀
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