
Live. Love. Laugh. Life changes. Enjoy it!

What do you want?
Spinning your wheel?
Outside of the box
That dirty little two letter word
I hate to cook
She blooms
What if…

Spinning your wheel?

Are you living a very comfortable, nice life, a.k.a. stuck in a rut? Are you pretty much living in the same thing, day in, day out kind of  way? Get up-work-home-walk-the-dog-dinner-tv-bed. I’m sure you are not as fastidious as Sheldon Cooper in The Big Bang Theory, but don’t you ever wonder where that carefree,  Read More

Outside of the box

I was in France one September driving through Provence. Just me in a rented Mini with the French language GPS lady, whom I named Gigi, and look where I ended up! Gordes, France. Absolutely spectacular. Getting Read More

That dirty little two letter word

Why is it that every toddler on the face of the earth can say ‘no’, but we grownup, smart, savvy women have such a hard time?

Are you baking three chocolate cakes for the community fundraiser on Sunday? Did you agree to pick up Aunt Susan and Uncle Bill to bring them to the family reunion next weekend? They only live an hour away. Read More

She blooms

I was scrolling through Instagram the other morning and it seemed like every other photo in my feed was of cherry blossoms in full bloom. I don’t know where these people are, but in my home town – nada. Not a single cherry blossom to be found. Even though Read More

What if…

It happens to all of us, often. You know those times when you’re thinking of someone and they call at the same moment or you’re telling a story about someone and they walk up to you at the that very moment. Coincidence? Or happened for a reason?

There’s one particular story from my own life that never ceases to amaze me because of the number of ‘what if’s  Read More

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