
Planning a winter getaway?
Silver lining
You are enough
Little things – Ice dream
Home again, home again…
Little Things – An Unexpected Smile
The dance
Planning a winter getaway?
Silver lining
You are enough
Little things – Ice dream
Home again, home again…
Little Things – An Unexpected Smile
The dance

Planning a winter getaway?

It happens every year.  We know it’s coming. Well, us northern folk do anyway.  Yet, every year we seem surprised when it actually hits.  And right now it’s just days away… maybe several, but still only days.  Snow, snow and more snow.  Then of course there’s the shoveling.  Lots and lots of shoveling.  There are some gluttons among us who actually enjoy winter. The  warm, woolly socks types.  Scarves wrapped up to here and sweaters pulled down to there.  They tromp through the snow Read More

Silver lining

Charcoal, graphite, granite, smoke, slate, steel, silver, ash, pewter, salt and pepper, Chicago slush, winter sky. No matter what you call it, they’re all shades of grey. And all beautiful, too, (Well, maybe not Chicago slush.) in silk, wool, linen, paint colors and, even, hair. Yes, I am a huge fan of grey hair, in all its glorious shades. And yes, on women, too. Men can do it, why not us? Read More

You are enough

In this world where we are so constantly connected to each other, digitally, at least, the idea of being alone is frightening for some people. It seems we’re afraid to be by ourselves. For some it’s because they wouldn’t know what to do with themselves. Others maybe just so used to doing things with husband, kids, friends, the idea is foreign to them. The art of solitude is slipping away.

Somehow we’ve developed an idea that being alone is not a good thing. We equate it Read More

Little things – Ice dream

Many things in life bring a smile to my face, but few create such a rich kaleidoscope of images as the sound of skates on ice. The raspy, fluid sound of the blades, as they carve into the surface of the ice on a cold winter’s night. Etched in my mind, Read More

Home again, home again…

So, you’ve finally made the shift from Mom to me. Adjusting to not being a full time parent is hard. You feel a little demoted. You are no longer the center of his universe. You’re still Mom, but in title only, almost. Still, you understand, or at least, are trying to. And then, he returns. Whether he’s home for the holidays, or until he finds has own place, whatever   Read More

Little Things – An Unexpected Smile

The other day I pulled into a Home Depot parking lot to get off the road as I sat in on a teleconference. While I was concentrating on the call, a big muscle, pickup truck pulled in opposite me. Big wheels, souped-up, loud, extra rods and rails all around.

Out from the driver’s seat came a big guy. Shaved head Read More

The dance

A bit of creative writing…

She stepped off the bus, partially consumed by the exhaust dense in the frigid night air. She was stocky and squat, almost square, her actual shape concealed under a heavy coat.  A thick wool scarf knotted at her neck. A hat pulled low, fur ear flaps resting on her Read More

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