Archive - 2024

How’s your year going so far?
Swimsuit shopping
How ‘bout them twinkle toes?
Wild blue yonder
My space
Foreign affair
Come fly away
How’s your year going so far?
Swimsuit shopping
How ‘bout them twinkle toes?
Wild blue yonder
My space
Foreign affair
Come fly away

How’s your year going so far?

Some of us are not big on making New Year’s resolutions. I know I am not. It’s not that there aren’t things in my life that I want to change. There are plenty of them, believe me. It’s more that I feel so bad when I break them. And, I don’t know about you, but I can definitely do with less feeling bad.

So, you’ve had almost a week now to live with your resolutions. How’s it going so far? Good? Read More

Swimsuit shopping

You have the itinerary.  Everything is booked. Fun in the sun is just a few weeks away. You post pictures of your island retreat on the fridge where you will see them every day and be reminded that soon, very soon you will be in paradise. And that just prior to heading off to that paradise you will have to face the nightmare of shopping for a bathing suit.  Very soon you will have to face the florescent lighting, the three way mirror and all that white,  Read More

How ‘bout them twinkle toes?

Hands up, how many of you paint your toenails in the summer? How about in the winter? Even if you’re not going on a beach vacation? I thought so. There are not as many painted toes out there in winter as there are in summer. But, does it really have to be that way?

Painting your fingernails is one thing. Your hands are on display all the time. Nail polish is a lovely way to accessorize your hands and outfits. It can give you a feeling of elegance, being well made up, a sense of Read More

Wild blue yonder

The story started a long time ago. It starts with our parents. Then our teachers and our peers, our colleagues, our bosses. The story of our lives. We want to please, to do what’s right. Or what we think they think is right. We let these influencers shape the story, but it’s your life, your story. You are the author Read More

My space

Remember as a kid when you wanted to be alone and you just closed your eyes thinking no one could see you? It’s in us all. We have an innate need to be alone sometimes. More often for some than others, but we all do. As kids, we’d close our eyes, or hide in the closet or under Read More

Foreign affair

Bonjour! Ciao Bella! Guten tag! Buenos dias!

All foreign phrases, but all phrases you probably recognize, right? What about hasta la vista or mazel tov or joie de vivre? Fairly common, but also foreign. Who says you only speak English? Ever wished Read More

Come fly away

I stumbled upon a woman on Instagram who had recently dropped her youngest off at college and was now packing for a weekend getaway with her hubby. I thought, “You go, Girl!” I mean really, isn’t this the perfect time? Read More

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