Tag - self-care

Lost and found
Ode to the nap
5 Simple tactics for handling in-law overload
Good morning!
Lost and found
Ode to the nap
5 Simple tactics for handling in-law overload
Good morning!

Lost and found

This Is Us, a heartwarming, emotional tv series. ♥ Do you remember in the Season 1 finale?  There was a moment when Rebecca screamed at Jack, “I am forty years old and I have no life!”


Have you ever had one of those moments? I’m guessing probably yes.  I think we all have. You know the one. The moment when you wake up one morning and realize that you can’t Read More

Ode to the nap

There are some things in our lives as children that dwindle away as we grow older, and that now as adults we may miss and strive to regain – sense of wonder, play, imagination and… the nap. That blissful ability to fall asleep whenever, wherever. Talking, singing, bouncing in the back seat one minute, then sound asleep the next. And then we, as parents, continue to drive around. Groceries could wait; the nap could not. Read More

5 Simple tactics for handling in-law overload

You’ve had years to get used to her, but still there are the occasional comments that tie you into knots. Whether she lives around the corner or halfway around the world, few things are as challenging as your relationship with your mother-in-law. Hopefully you are not living the life of Debra Barone of Everybody Loves Raymond fame and maybe, instead, you’re one of the lucky ones with a perfectly delightful mother-in-law. Whatever the case, during the holidays we’re Read More

Good morning!

It happens every day. Every, single day we get up in the morning. And usually it looks something like this: alarm-hit snooze-alarm-shower-blow dry-coffee-let dog out-choose outfit-make up-let dog in-feed dog-find clothes-dress-make lunch-coffee-make toast-eat toast-pat hubby-kiss dog-commute-buy coffee-work. Right? Until Read More

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