How’s your year going so far?
Some of us are not big on making New Year’s resolutions. I know I am not. It’s not that there aren’t things in my life that I want to change. There are plenty of them, believe me. It’s more that I feel so bad when I break them. And, I don’t know about you, but I can definitely do with less feeling bad.
So, you’ve had almost a week now to live with your resolutions. How’s it going so far? Good? Fabulous! You can stop reading now.
Not so great? You are not alone. Not by a long shot. Research has it that only a very small percentage of people who make New Year’s resolutions actually keep them. Why? Well, some reasons are that they are just poor goals. They’re too lofty, not specific enough and not personal. Common resolutions are things like “I’m going to get fit” or “I’m going to lose weight”. We haven’t vested enough of ourselves in a goal like that. What does “get fit” mean to you? Do you want to be able to climb Mt. Everest or climb the hill in your local park?
Another interesting reason is that it’s unlikely that you took stock of where you are now. You haven’t done your due diligence, or “dead reckoning” as Xiren Wang explains it in this article. With apologies to the original quote, you can’t get where going unless you know where you are.
To me though, the most important thing is to give yourself a break. Go easy on yourself. Be nice. Give yourself a pat on the back for trying. Top marks. We’ve all failed at something at some point in our lives. Probably hundreds of times. Breaking a resolution here or there is not such a big deal. You tried. You can try again. This time though, set yourself up for success – take stock and make those resolutions personal and realistic.
Happy new year!
What’s your favorite resolution? Do you make new year resolutions? Have a story to share? We’d love to hear it.
My New Year’s resolution is to become more proficient at mindfulness in every aspect of my life.
Embrace the day.
Ah, sounds wise, Libby. Sounds wise.
Hello my lovely Rhubard lady!
A wee update that deals with resolutions
At last I have the mental space and time converging to put me in the mood to write!
Gratitude. I know it’s over used and under subscribed but truly I am so very lucky… beyond lucky in love….
Grateful for OHIP and taxpayers to cover the costs of my medical care and wildly expensive repair to my spine….
Grateful for world class surgeons…
Grateful to my sweet husband for being with me.
Grateful for fairy godmothers!
Grateful that I get another chance to have a pain free, fun filled life.
Grateful for my loving caring kids & friends who like to have fun!
Carpe diem!
Sounds pretty exciting, Nancy! I am very happy for you.