
Live. Love. Laugh. Life changes. Enjoy it!

How do I love me?
Time to get your groove back
White space
What’s in your bucket?
Shoes. Shoes. Shoes.
Planning a winter getaway?
Silver lining

How do I love me?

Let me count the ways…

How do I love ME? Well, let’s see, there’s… Um, er, well. And, well, there’s… or… Hmm. Well, so-and-so is always saying how brave/smart/talented I am, but I don’t really think I’m very brave/smart/talented. I mean, I’m just doing what anyone Read More

Time to get your groove back

They came back home in the spring with the ducks and the geese. You adjusted your life back from “me” to “mom”. Now your kids are off again, or for the first time, to university and it’s time for Stella to get her groove back. You know what I mean –  Read More

White space

I’m just so-o-o busy. I’ve got a lot on my plate right now. It’s crazy busy. I’m so busy, I don’t know which way’s up. I’m so busy, I hardly have time to think!

Sound familiar? Is one of these usually the first words out of your mouth when asked how it’s going? When did being busy Read More

What’s in your bucket?

It’s been years since Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman took us on a wild ride as they checked things off their bucket list, but it seems to be a really big thing to do these days. There are a myriad of sites and books with list of things to do before you die, often accompanied by fabulous photographs. Some definitely swoon-worthy.

Many people I know have them, too. They’re massive lists filled with exotic places they want to go and magnificent things Read More

Shoes. Shoes. Shoes.

When did you know it was love? Was it love at first sight? Was it your first pair of red shoes? Or black patent Mary Janes? Platforms? Or those strappy roman sandals?

We do love our shoes, don’t we? Every style, shape and color, we love them.  Sometimes a little more agony, than ecstasy. Sometimes bordering on obsession, but still Read More

Planning a winter getaway?

It happens every year.  We know it’s coming. Well, us northern folk do anyway.  Yet, every year we seem surprised when it actually hits.  And right now it’s just days away… maybe several, but still only days.  Snow, snow and more snow.  Then of course there’s the shoveling.  Lots and lots of shoveling.  There are some gluttons among us who actually enjoy winter. The  warm, woolly socks types.  Scarves wrapped up to here and sweaters pulled down to there.  They tromp through the snow Read More

Silver lining

Charcoal, graphite, granite, smoke, slate, steel, silver, ash, pewter, salt and pepper, Chicago slush, winter sky. No matter what you call it, they’re all shades of grey. And all beautiful, too, (Well, maybe not Chicago slush.) in silk, wool, linen, paint colors and, even, hair. Yes, I am a huge fan of grey hair, in all its glorious shades. And yes, on women, too. Men can do it, why not us? Read More

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