How ‘bout them twinkle toes?

Hands up, how many of you paint your toenails in the summer? How about in the winter? Even if you’re not going on a beach vacation? I thought so. There are not as many painted toes out there in winter as there are in summer. But, does it really have to be that way?

Painting your fingernails is one thing. Your hands are on display all the time. Nail polish is a lovely way to accessorize your hands and outfits. It can give you a feeling of elegance, being well made up, a sense of
completeness. Well-manicured hands with polished nails look fabulous in the boardroom or wrapped around a glass of wine or draping a cashmere pashmina over your shoulders. But painting your toenails, that’s a different thing.

Sure, painting your toenails is fun and flirty in the summer when your toes are on display. Some might even think it essential. But in winter?  In winter, I think it’s just for us. Sure, hubby gets a peek now and then, but you can’t flaunt a great paint job on your feet in winter like you can in the summer. It’s a more private pleasure. We know that deep down there, buried in those woolly socks and heavy boots, your tiny digits are sitting pretty and that, that can make you smile. It’s deliciously, lusciously just for you.

And besides, don’t you think painted toenails make your toes look thinner? Who needs to diet when you have skinny toes, right?

Even the colour names? What fun! Hide and Go Chic, Don’t Make Me Wine, Moroccan Nights, Miami Beet, Aphrodite’s Pink Nightie, Wicked, Allure, Catnip, Coal Hearted, Baroque and Still Shopping.  I mean seriously, isn’t choosing the name half the fun.  Admit it, when you’ve found a colour that you like don’t you flip the bottle over to see what it’s called? Doesn’t Party in My Cabana say more to you than Red #9365? And the right name strikes the right mood, too.  It’s an expression of ourselves, our mood. A bright pink like I Pink I Can says fun, bold, playful where as a pale pink like Bubble Bath says quiet, reserved and relaxed. (Just for a laugh, here’s one guy’s attempt to guess nail polish colours.)

Yes, it takes a bit of time to get those digits sparkling, but that’s part of the pleasure and makes it so worthwhile.  Doing something for yourself is so good, whether you treat yourself to a salon pedicure, or you paint them up yourself. You just need to steal an hour out of your week that’s just for you, a delightful luxury all on its own, and voilà pretty feet. Bliss!

So, how about it? Will you gift yourself an hour next week and make those toes twinkle? Good. Now, I hope choosing the perfect colour is the only tough decision you have to make.

What is your colour preference? Are you a sexy red or pretty in pink? Share your polish fetish.  Leave us a comment below.

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  • I had thought about painting my toes the other day, but the smell gets to my husband…in summer I paint them outside. Hmm. What better excuse to go out for a full pedi! (I’ve never had one.)

    Depending on my mood, or the occasion, I vary between soft pink, hot pink, fire engine red, or silver sparkles.

    • Oh, go for the full on pedi, Cathy! You deserve it. Doesn’t cost much and those painted ladies will bring such delight. Enjoy! <3

  • I love taupe nail polish. And I will do my nails in winter, now. I walk about the house barefoot, so why not? Fun piece. I really enjoy Rhubarb (which would be a nice colour, too.)

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